+ What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation in which the subconscious mind is extraordinarily receptive to positive thoughts and suggestions. Through hypnosis, your behavior can be modified to benefit you by replacing the old beliefs or behaviors that you no longer need or want with the new ones you desire. Each of us naturally enters hypnosis several times every day while watching TV, when overwhelmed by the beauty of nature, or a new romance, or even while driving long distances. Most often hypnosis is used as an approach to reaching a self-improvement, or personal development goal. It does not address major medical disorders, or psychopathologies. However, it can be very beneficial when used as a complementary approach to dealing with certain health related challenges.

First Session Format:

  • Explore Presenting Challenge(s)
  • Determine Suggestibility -Conversion to Hypnosis
  • Progressive Relaxation
  • Positive Suggestions

First sessions take longer than a normal session. You should expect to spend an hour and a half. Extra time is needed to lay the foundation for all future sessions. Subsequent hypnotherapy sessions begin with a cognitive portion of time when the client communicates current areas of focus, and goals are discussed. It concludes with hypnosis. Hypnotherapy works as a motivating force for your self-improvement area of focus, or as a complement to medical interventions. It is an integrative therapeutic approach to supporting you in your journey towards a more optimal life.

+ What is a Hypnotherapist?

Movies and television give people the impression that a person in hypnosis is under someone’s control, or that someone has power over them. In fact, it is a person’s desire to be hypnotized that allows the receptive state to take place. They are in control of their mind and body. In the clinical setting, a hypnotherapist helps facilitate the hypnotic state, and provides a safe, controlled, and confidential environment. A professionally trained hypnotherapist helps you reach your goals by using hypnosis to modify human behavior and perceptions.

People achieve changes in stress levels, and personal achievement goals like losing weight, enhanced sports performance, and motivation. They work with doctor referrals for some health issues. A hypnotherapist can help with medical or psychological problems, but only under the written referral of an appropriate licensed professional. In these cases, a hypnotherapist’s work is to support a client’s treatment as part of an integrated therapeutic approach.

+ Why choose Hypnotherapy?
Because it works! By harnessing the power of your subconscious mind, hypnotherapy is often quick and effective in resolving personal issues and improving focus and performance, whether at work or play. With hypnotherapy, you can effectively replace limiting behaviors with attitudes and actions that promote growth and success. Hypnotherapy helps you focus, direct and maximize your inner power. It’s an effective, relaxing, and drug-free choice for change. Can I be Hypnotized? Yes. Everyone has the ability to be hypnotized. What is a Hypnotic Experience like? Hypnosis is a natural state of profound physical and mental relaxation that is both refreshing and revitalizing. In hypnosis, you are not asleep. Most people report an energizing experience of intense concentration and awareness.
+ What is Self Hypnosis?
Self-hypnosis is best learned and practiced under the guidance of a hypnotherapist. Creating an individualized and unique formula that meets your needs is integral to the success of self- hypnosis. The Law of Repetition and the Law of Association create the foundation for self-hypnosis. With frequent practice, by closing your eyes, and taking three big deep breaths, the process begins. Relaxing the body allows the conscious mind to rest, while the subconscious mind opens and is receptive to positive ideas.

Supplying positive suggestions to the subconscious, and using visualization and imagery complete the self-hypnosis protocol. The subconscious mind functions on expectation and imagination. Using your senses to create visuals, or perceived images of a specific sensory experience, are a part of any hypnotic work. Selfhypnosis allows you to be the director and receiver of the generated positive information and lead you toward achieving your desired behavior or goal.

+ The Law of Repetition:
The more we do something, the better we become at it. By repeating suggestions in hypnosis, we establish new, stronger responses. Frequent practice increases effectiveness.
+ The Law of Association:
By repeating keywords that describe the state of self-hypnosis, the feeling is anchored and helps the state become accessible on demand. When used with the Law of Repetition, it helps make hypnosis effective.
+ What is the conscious mind?
The 12% of our mind that we are most aware of. The part responsible for logic, reasoning, decision making, and willpower. The conscious mind deals with everyday living. New ideas and planning happen here. When it is stressed, the conscious mind is often overloaded and ceases to function optimally. A person’s conscious mind is still present and alert during hypnosis.
+ What is the subconscious mind?
The subconscious comprises 88% of the mind. It lies below the level of our awareness and is responsible for reflexive action. The subconscious mind is the source of known associations-the memory. It accepts every experience as input, whether it is positive or negative. The subconscious works from expectation and imagination, and it does not register the difference between fact and fantasy.

When the conscious mind becomes overloaded, the primitive subconscious mind is triggered and responds through fight, flight, or freeze. Fight, flight or freeze is often experienced as anxiety or depression. When anxiety or stress is felt as a result of daily events and without any relief, a hyper- suggestible state may occur. The hyper-suggestible state is the same as hypnosis.

+ What does hypnosis feel like?
Clients experience hypnosis in a variety of ways. A likeness to meditation is expressed by some, while others feel “tingly,” “heavy,” “floating,” or no sensations at all. Most experience a sense of comfort, calm, and relaxation and are surprised that they are aware and hear every word given by the hypnotherapist during their session.
+ What are the stages of hypnosis?
There are many stages of hypnosis. Each creates a different depth. Three of the most important

  • Hypnoidal: Light stage of hypnosis. Eye movements tend to be more up and down at this stage, almost a fluttering movement.
  • Cataleptic stage:
    Deeper state of hypnosis. Eye movements tend to move side to side.
  • Somnambulistic stage:
    Deepest state of hypnosis. Eyes tend to roll up, and sometimes the whites of the eyes are visible just underneath the closed eyelid. There are three levels of the somnambulistic stage. The first two levels involve a kind of amnesia, where the client may not consciously remember the exact suggestions, yet the subconscious mind received the information. The third level of the somnambulistic stage is a level that is so deep, 80% amnesia takes place, and major surgery without anesthesia can take place. Everyone can reach the somnambulistic stage, but not everyone can reach the third level of depth of this stage.
+ What is a Somnambulist?
A person can reach deep stages of hypnosis when their suggestibility is 50% literal and 50% inferential. Some somnambulists can have surgery without anesthesia. A true natural somnambulist may have walked or talked in their sleep.
+ What is a Suggestion?
A suggestion is a positive statement given during hypnosis that helps you achieve your desired outcome or meet your goals. They are based on the client’s desires, wants, and needs. Suggestions are direct or inferred based on your suggestibility. For example, a direct suggestion for fear of public speaking might be, “When you stand up and speak in front of others, you’ll find the fear will diminish.” An inferred suggestion might be, “You’ll calmly express your knowledge, feeling very comfortable; the harder you try to bring up the fear of public speaking, the more it will diminish.”

A suggestion can be accepted immediately by the subconscious and be there for life. More often, the hypnotherapist works with the Law of Repetition to ensure that the suggestion is accepted, especially when dealing with a long-term habit. Post-hypnotic suggestions affect future behavior. They help create new behavior and replace old, destructive habits.

Suggestions are not always readily accepted by the subconscious mind and may need to be re-phrased or given multiple times. Sometimes, the effect of suggestions does not take place until days, weeks, even months later, or until the exact situation presents itself. For example, a client may not feel calm when thinking about taking a test, but the moment they are taking it, the calm is present, alleviating their test anxiety. Delayed responses are examples of the Law of Delayed Action.

+ What is Progressive Relaxation?
Progressive Relaxation is a secondary induction used to relax the body. It is best used after conversion to hypnosis by a primary induction. It increases the receptivity to positive suggestions because the body is deeply relaxed and still.
+ What is Fight Flight Freeze?
Fight Flight Freeze is a primitive trigger mechanism that alerts the body to involuntary responses. When danger or a threat of danger (anxiety) is present, the heart beats rapidly, breathing begins to change, adrenaline pumps, and human reaction to the triggering stressor shifts into a protective mode of fending off the threat or escaping it.

For example, when we slam on the breaks to avoid hitting another car that stopped suddenly in front of us, our level of anxiety peaks. Coming close to being in an accident may cause you to pull off the road and take a break until the feeling passes. The close call experience creates an anxiety state that may send you into a trance to alleviate the flooding of emotions and anxiety. Hypnosis and anxiety spring from the same origin by flooding the mind and creating hyper-suggestible states.

+ What is the absence of time?
During hypnosis, time distortion takes place. Sometimes, clients may feel they have been in the state for a half-hour when it has only been ten minutes. Conversely, a client may think that only about five minutes have passed when it has been twenty minutes in the hypnotic state. Every minute in hypnosis is equal to about fifteen minutes of good quality sleep.
+ What is the difference between Hypnosis and Meditation?
In meditation, individuals often focus on a particular image, word, idea, or breath. Some meditation work encompasses emptying the mind of any thoughts. Hypnosis is a way to create focus and movement towards a desired state or goal. While the feeling state of meditation and hypnosis is very similar, the outcomes are quite different.
+ What happens if I don’t come out of hypnosis?
It is impossible to get stuck in the state of hypnosis—all trances end, whether formally ended by the hypnotherapist or ended naturally by you.
+ In hypnosis, will I do anything I don’t want to do or say anything I don’t want to say?

You cannot and will not do or say anything under hypnosis that conflicts with your personal, ethical standards or desires. As your hypnotherapist, it is my foremost intention to assist you in achieving your therapeutic goals.